8 Top Tips to Grow your Confidence Level without Fear

Can you identify the areas in your life – and even business, where are you showing up and feeling confident?
If your confidence levels were higher, what would you love to achieve? What would you love to do? What changes would you choose to make?
I am so excited to share with you a Top Tips Toolkit with 8 fabulous tips to grow your confidence levels. You can get your copy at the end of this blog.
Top Tip Number 1 - Remind Yourself What You Are Good At – Celebrate Your Successes
Self confidence comes from being the best possible ‘You’. Remind yourself regularly of just what you are good at, and can do well. If you don’t know what you do well, ask your best friend and they will be able to reel of a whole list. Really celebrate each and every success. Keep a ‘Success Journal’ to refer to when your self confidence needs a boost. Banish that negative inner chatter (e.g. I will never be good enough to ...... or I can’t possibly do that because ......) – by raising your awareness of what you are telling yourself, catch yourself and change it by asking yourself, “where is the evidence to support that? Where can you find evidence that this is not true?
I know that many people who attended a workshop I ran on this topic, initially find celebrating their successes quite a challenge. How about you? How many can you list right now?
With practice this becomes easier and it is such a great way to lift your spirits whenever you’re feeling frustrated that you have not achieved as much as you wanted to. We can all feel like that from time to time.
How do you define Success? We often think it has to be some life changing event or something massive. Put simply “ Success is - The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted”
One of my regular favourites is setting an intention to do just one thing I have been putting off and then actually doing it! Often it is the fear around doing something that gets in our way and stops us even starting. When it’s done we think ‘what was all the fuss about’ and then just forget we were struggling with it.
What success can you celebrate today? Where can you write it down so you don’t forget? Journalling can be a great way to both set intentions and then record your successes each day – why not give it a try.
For the full article please follow this link or sign up below
If your confidence levels were higher, what would you love to achieve? What would you love to do? What changes would you choose to make?
I am so excited to share with you a Top Tips Toolkit with 8 fabulous tips to grow your confidence levels. You can get your copy at the end of this blog.
Top Tip Number 1 - Remind Yourself What You Are Good At – Celebrate Your Successes
Self confidence comes from being the best possible ‘You’. Remind yourself regularly of just what you are good at, and can do well. If you don’t know what you do well, ask your best friend and they will be able to reel of a whole list. Really celebrate each and every success. Keep a ‘Success Journal’ to refer to when your self confidence needs a boost. Banish that negative inner chatter (e.g. I will never be good enough to ...... or I can’t possibly do that because ......) – by raising your awareness of what you are telling yourself, catch yourself and change it by asking yourself, “where is the evidence to support that? Where can you find evidence that this is not true?
I know that many people who attended a workshop I ran on this topic, initially find celebrating their successes quite a challenge. How about you? How many can you list right now?
With practice this becomes easier and it is such a great way to lift your spirits whenever you’re feeling frustrated that you have not achieved as much as you wanted to. We can all feel like that from time to time.
How do you define Success? We often think it has to be some life changing event or something massive. Put simply “ Success is - The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted”
One of my regular favourites is setting an intention to do just one thing I have been putting off and then actually doing it! Often it is the fear around doing something that gets in our way and stops us even starting. When it’s done we think ‘what was all the fuss about’ and then just forget we were struggling with it.
What success can you celebrate today? Where can you write it down so you don’t forget? Journalling can be a great way to both set intentions and then record your successes each day – why not give it a try.
For the full article please follow this link or sign up below