Welcome to week 10 of this alphabet inspired newsletter.
Well its the first week of a new Month, March is certainly the start of our season over here in France, and so juggling our many activities becomes necessary. It's also a time when I have to be really careful not to judge myself or others. It is all too easy in times of more stress and tension to let those judgements take a hold. Ultimately no matter how much we have to do it is so important to remember that lovely 3 letter word 'JOY'. Make sure that you find time to feel joyful every day, it's not just for weekends. So here are my J based tips for this the 1st week of March.

* Long hot bath, with a great book and a cup of hot chocolate.
* Having a massage;
* Reading uninterrupted in the sun:
* Snorkelling in the Maldives;
* Horse riding, a trek in the countryside;
* Swimming in a warm open air pool;
* Relaxing in a Spa for the day with a girlfriend;
* Sitting in front of the fire snuggled up with my husband;
* Walking the dogs by the river;
* Making things with my sewing machine;
* Redesigning and decorating rooms;
* Making someone's day by sending a surprise gift;
So what would be on your list? Go get some paper and a pen and write your list now. Then ask yourself: How many of these things are you doing at the moment? How can you find/make more time to do more of these things. Make sure you do at least one of the things on your list every day if not 3 or more. Let more joy in and love your life.

Janine Wood is a woman who thrives on her sense of adventure and her capabilities at giving anything a go. She left her 6 figure corporate income to live her rural dream life in France with the love of her life Tony and their two rescue dogs Junior and Benjy. Janine is inspired by interior design, creation, music, art, dance, fun and personal growth and she lives each day with love, laughter and inspiration. Her role now is to inspire other people who know that they can take more out of life and supporting them as they too discover how to live every day like it was their best.
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