F for the first week of February - wow its finally here. Not long until spring now. I have already seen a couple of early daffodils, and the lighter evenings are starting to make an appearance again. This week I thought we might explore a little around three things that have played a significant part in my own transformation, and how valuable it can be to do some personal development in these areas in order to set yourself free to grow and develop a little more.
Freedom - What does this mean to you? Is it conditional? When I started looking at my core values, I realised this was a significant one for me. However identifying the word was not enough. I needed to define what it actually meant for me. Often I hear people say more money would give them more financial freedom, or a new job with less hours would give them more time freedom etc. However for me freedom is something we can actively choose and simply involves a guilt free state of mind. Yes more money might help but in reality at what cost? When I worked a 70 hour week in the corporate world on a six figure income I had money, but absolutely no freedom in terms of time. To me time to do all the things I want to do is the key ingredient of freedom. Doing the things I chose without the guilt associated with the old conditioning is still something I work on every day! I will be talking more about guilt next week. What are your core values, can you name them? If you would like an exercise to help you work them out check out this link Core Values Workbook.
Fear - What is it for you? Fear of....Public speaking, asserting yourself, making decisions, intimacy, changing jobs, being alone, aging, driving, losing a loved one, ending a relationship?
This is how one of the most useful books I have ever read starts. Check out Susan Jeffers Feel the fear and do it anyway. In this book Susan highlights 5 truths about fear:
1. The fear will never go away as long as you continue to grow.
2. The only way to get rid of the fear of doing something is to go out....... and do it.
3. The only way to feel better about yourself is to go out ..... and do it.
4. Not only are you going to experience fear whenever you are on unfamiliar territory, so is everyone else.
5. Pushing through fear is less frightening than living with the underlying fear that comes from a feeling of helplessness.
In conclusion its not FEAR that is the problem just how we deal with it. What do you tell yourself? Can you handle it or not? Next time fear crops up try telling yourself - I can handle it and see how you feel.
This is how one of the most useful books I have ever read starts. Check out Susan Jeffers Feel the fear and do it anyway. In this book Susan highlights 5 truths about fear:
1. The fear will never go away as long as you continue to grow.
2. The only way to get rid of the fear of doing something is to go out....... and do it.
3. The only way to feel better about yourself is to go out ..... and do it.
4. Not only are you going to experience fear whenever you are on unfamiliar territory, so is everyone else.
5. Pushing through fear is less frightening than living with the underlying fear that comes from a feeling of helplessness.
In conclusion its not FEAR that is the problem just how we deal with it. What do you tell yourself? Can you handle it or not? Next time fear crops up try telling yourself - I can handle it and see how you feel.
Feedback - If you are reading and enjoy these newsletters I wouldguess that you are at some point on your own self development
journey. It may be that you are in a job right now where the feedback is non-existent, badly delivered and a negative experience. I have been subject to this in the past and so know how awful it feels.
Feedback is not a once a year thing, it should be there all the time. When delivered well it will motivate you and help you grow. Getting myself a coach was a real eye opener to the benefits of feedback done well. It was also a lesson in how to receive positive feedback as this was quite new to me. How often do you find yourself dismissing or brushing aside feedback? How do you response to a simple complement about how fabulous you look in a particular outfit? Often our default reaction is something dismissive like 'what this old thing'! rather than a simple thank you. Raise your awareness today and learn to accept feedback with good grace. If you would like some one to one time to discuss the benefits of a coach just get in touch.
journey. It may be that you are in a job right now where the feedback is non-existent, badly delivered and a negative experience. I have been subject to this in the past and so know how awful it feels.
Feedback is not a once a year thing, it should be there all the time. When delivered well it will motivate you and help you grow. Getting myself a coach was a real eye opener to the benefits of feedback done well. It was also a lesson in how to receive positive feedback as this was quite new to me. How often do you find yourself dismissing or brushing aside feedback? How do you response to a simple complement about how fabulous you look in a particular outfit? Often our default reaction is something dismissive like 'what this old thing'! rather than a simple thank you. Raise your awareness today and learn to accept feedback with good grace. If you would like some one to one time to discuss the benefits of a coach just get in touch.
Professional Bio
Janine Wood is a woman who thrives on her sense of adventure and her capabilities at giving anything a go. She left her 6 figure corporate income to live her rural dream life in France with the love of her life Tony and their two rescue dogs Junior and Benjy. Janine is inspired by interior design, creation, music, art, dance, fun and personal growth and she lives each day with love, laughter and inspiration. Her role now is to inspire other people who know that they can take more out of life and supporting them as they too discover how to live every day like it was their best. Subscribe to this Let Go and Love Life Newsletter here.
Janine Wood is a woman who thrives on her sense of adventure and her capabilities at giving anything a go. She left her 6 figure corporate income to live her rural dream life in France with the love of her life Tony and their two rescue dogs Junior and Benjy. Janine is inspired by interior design, creation, music, art, dance, fun and personal growth and she lives each day with love, laughter and inspiration. Her role now is to inspire other people who know that they can take more out of life and supporting them as they too discover how to live every day like it was their best. Subscribe to this Let Go and Love Life Newsletter here.