1. What evidence do you have to support it?
2. How old is that evidence?
3. What does having this belief cost you on a daily basis?
4. If you no longer had this belief, what could you achieve?
5. What if the opposite were true?
6. What would need to happen for you to change this belief?
7. What could you do to begin the journey of changing this belief?
8. What would tomorrow be like if you were to let go of this belief?
Really dig deep and know that even when you have done the work the old thought pattern is often so engrained you can slip back into old ways automatically. Use a friend, coach or mentor to help you
recognise the ego based and automatic responses that identify the limiting belief you are working on. They often see what you miss.
These thoughts are created by the many beliefs you have which make up your reality, (See B is for beliefs, behaviour and bliss ) A strict and rigid belief system can keep you stuck as it encourages you to resist new information and makes you fearful. Your ego reaction to something new and different that challenges one of your own deeply held beliefs often generates negative reactions that hamper your personal growth. The ego is a valid part of you. You can manage it by learning to recognize and allow it. Don’t resist it but do challenge it when it appears. After your initial knee jerk reaction to something, take a breath and ask yourself – Now how do I really feel? What are the facts? Research it a little more, examine the evidence. Is your initial reaction justified or even true? What does your consciousness think? This is such an important skill to master and is the key to great self development.
Janine Wood is a woman who thrives on her sense of adventure and her capabilities at giving anything a go. She left her 6 figure corporate income to live her rural dream life in France with the love of her life Tony and their two rescue dogs Junior and Benjy. Janine is inspired by interior design, creation, music, art, dance, fun and personal growth and she lives each day with love, laughter and inspiration. Her role now is to inspire other people who know that they can take more out of life and supporting them as they too discover how to live every day like it was their best. Subscribe to this Let Go and Love Life Newsletter here.