This is the first in this alphabet inspired newsletter.I am so excited to launch this weekly newsletter for 2015. I will be sharing all the learning's, hints and tips that have inspired me on my transformational journey away from a 25 year career and corporate life - to my dream life in rural SW France. My mission is to inspire and support you to discover and unlock your passions in life too. I want to let you know that whatever it is that brings you to life - really is the most important work you can do. Find out what inspired me to let go of my many limiting beliefs that kept me stuck and what it took to give myself permission to really love life!
Attitude - Is Everything. Getting this right and working on improving it daily enables everything else in your life to start falling into place. I began working on this from day 1, when my coach gave me a gratitude journal. It turned my life around. Completing this daily retrained my thought processes to focus on those things in my life I already had to be so grateful about. It lightened my mood, and really was one of the keys that unlocked the first door on my journey to France. So if you have ever been told you are a negative person or have a negative attitude to life - Don't panic I heard this too, but you can turn this around so very quickly. If you would like to read more about my story you can check out my Life Purpose Blog here. | Aims - What a great time of year to start thinking about yours? So what are your aims and intentions for 2015. How are you going to go about setting them? Have you ever thought about using a dream board? Its great fun to spend a few hours with friends over coffee and cake, with some old magazines, internet images, some words, a piece of card, scissors and some glue! When its finished place it somewhere you can see everyday and be amazed at just what manifests when your aims are identified. Here is an early 2012 dream board of mine, and there have been many since with a new one in the making for 2015! Happy sticking. | Action - This is what actually makes things happen - My biggest tip here is to avoid overwhelm and procrastination two of the biggest blocks that prevent us from moving forward. More on that later. For now just remember you don't have to achieve the end results all at once. You can take it one step at a time. It might be that your Holiday Trip of a lifetime is your intention, and you know you need £10,000 which may seem an impossible task right now! Don't give up on your dream. Work out what one thing can you do right now to take action toward that ultimate objective? It might put it on your dream board. Or put a plan in place to earn the extra income you need for the deposit. If that still feels too big, it might just be to buy the swimsuit you are going to wear when you get there..... Each time you take action you remind the Universe what it is you want. |
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Professional Bio
Janine Wood is a woman who thrives on her sense of adventure and her capabilities at giving anything a go. She left her 6 figure corporate income to live her rural dream life in France with the love of her life Tony and their two rescue dogs Junior and Benjy. Janine is inspired by interior design, creation, music, art, dance, fun and personal growth and she lives each day with love, laughter and inspiration. Her role now is to inspire other people who know that they can take more out of life and supporting them as they too discover how to live every day like it was their best.
Janine Wood is a woman who thrives on her sense of adventure and her capabilities at giving anything a go. She left her 6 figure corporate income to live her rural dream life in France with the love of her life Tony and their two rescue dogs Junior and Benjy. Janine is inspired by interior design, creation, music, art, dance, fun and personal growth and she lives each day with love, laughter and inspiration. Her role now is to inspire other people who know that they can take more out of life and supporting them as they too discover how to live every day like it was their best.