Welcome to week 3 of this alphabet inspired newsletter.This week I am taking a chance and writing this in advance so it can be delivered to you all automatically while I am on a trip over to the UK!. Relying on technology is a choice I have made to free up my time. Fingers crossed I will be celebrating the successful delivery of this newsletter when it arrives in your inboxes on Monday. Being a little bit of a control freak, with perfectionist tendencies can make change a challenge! Okay enough with all the words beginning with C there were so many to chose from it was difficult to narrow it down!
Chance - How many chances pass you by, simply because of that inner voice that nags and tells you things like - You can't.....? What if......? The time's not right....It might not just be your inner voice.
Perhaps a parent, a good friend or your partner has something to say and regularly offers an opinion that adds to your confusion. My top tip is to avoid the naysayers and raise your awareness to that inner voice and what you are telling yourself. Often these doubts that stop us in our tracks are coming from a place of fear. What would you give yourself permission to do if you were not fearful of the outcome? What actual evidence is there that you can't, or, that you will fail? How real is the 'what if' - and if that was the worst that happened how would that be? Don't let chances pass by almost unnoticed, open up your mind to possibilities.......
Perhaps a parent, a good friend or your partner has something to say and regularly offers an opinion that adds to your confusion. My top tip is to avoid the naysayers and raise your awareness to that inner voice and what you are telling yourself. Often these doubts that stop us in our tracks are coming from a place of fear. What would you give yourself permission to do if you were not fearful of the outcome? What actual evidence is there that you can't, or, that you will fail? How real is the 'what if' - and if that was the worst that happened how would that be? Don't let chances pass by almost unnoticed, open up your mind to possibilities.......
Choice - We always have a choice, even with the most difficult decisions. Sometimes too much choice can paralyse us and keep us stuck in a state of procrastination. When you are finding choice difficult, use these questions to help you reach a conclusion.
Q1. What is your dream job, partner, house, life or other relevant topic?
Q2.Which route takes you
closer to that? Don't know......
Q3. If you did know, which one would it be?
Q4. What could you do if you knew you couldn't fail?
Q5. If you could wave a magic wand what would this allow you to do?
Q6. If you had all the time/money/energy/power in the world, what could you do?
Q7. Which option feels right for you? Remember, this outcome is for you - not everyone else. Work with a friend, coach or mentor to get clear and choose to move forward with ease and grace. Keep it simple, decide to choose and then commit to your decision. A tool that can help you prioritise your choices is the wheel of life and you can access a copy here.
Q1. What is your dream job, partner, house, life or other relevant topic?
Q2.Which route takes you
closer to that? Don't know......
Q3. If you did know, which one would it be?
Q4. What could you do if you knew you couldn't fail?
Q5. If you could wave a magic wand what would this allow you to do?
Q6. If you had all the time/money/energy/power in the world, what could you do?
Q7. Which option feels right for you? Remember, this outcome is for you - not everyone else. Work with a friend, coach or mentor to get clear and choose to move forward with ease and grace. Keep it simple, decide to choose and then commit to your decision. A tool that can help you prioritise your choices is the wheel of life and you can access a copy here.
Celebration - There are so many sayings that become truths in our mind like 'pride comes before a fall' or 'beginner's luck' that we get used to brushing our achievements aside, or immediately forget about them and move onto the next thing in our busy lives. However, taking time out each month to note down all your successes is a great way to boost your confidence and self esteem. I keep mine in a journal, and am part of a great online group Global Fab Friends where celebrating success is really encouraged. If a journal doesn't appeal to you, how about a success jar. Don’t censor your “successes”. If you have a really productive day where you cross all the tasks off your list? That deserves a success note just as much a say taking new career path. If you feel happy or proud or excited – grab a pen and make a note. The jar is great for cheering you up and also when you come to write your yearly review.
Professional Bio
Janine Wood is a woman who thrives on her sense of adventure and her capabilities at giving anything a go. She left her 6 figure corporate income to live her rural dream life in France with the love of her life Tony and their two rescue dogs Junior and Benjy. Janine is inspired by interior design, creation, music, art, dance, fun and personal growth and she lives each day with love, laughter and inspiration. Her role now is to inspire other people who know that they can take more out of life and supporting them as they too discover how to live every day like it was their best.
Subscribe to this Let Go and Love Life Newsletter here.
Janine Wood is a woman who thrives on her sense of adventure and her capabilities at giving anything a go. She left her 6 figure corporate income to live her rural dream life in France with the love of her life Tony and their two rescue dogs Junior and Benjy. Janine is inspired by interior design, creation, music, art, dance, fun and personal growth and she lives each day with love, laughter and inspiration. Her role now is to inspire other people who know that they can take more out of life and supporting them as they too discover how to live every day like it was their best.
Subscribe to this Let Go and Love Life Newsletter here.