Monday Morning Blues? It's the first Monday after half term - Did you wake up this morning thinking 'Ugh its Monday' - Back to work, back on the treadmill, the same old routine, that grindstone that is my life......Oh I wish my life was different?
How would it feel to have woken up and said - Wow its Monday, I love my life, I am so happy to be doing what I do, being the best me that I can be, I can't wait to get started again today.......
What is IT that would make you look forward to each and every Monday morning?
Would you love to know? Do you want to explore what IT is for you?
What holds you back from making changes right now? What one thing could you do today that would make a difference to your day, your week, your month, your life?
What if your inner gremlin stopped saying "No you can't possibly.....No that's not for you, only other people do jobs they love.....Its just a pipe dream I once had from my childhood, it could never be a reality...... I am not good enough.......qualified enough.........ready"?
What if your inner gremlin became your inner coach, guide and champion and started saying things like "You can you know, if you really want to.....Yes you could if you gave it a go.......yes I could with the right help and support it really would be possible.......Yes I want to explore what I can do today to identify what it is I really want .....Lets not worry about the how so much and really focus on what we DO want instead of what we DON'T want".
Wow how would that change your state of mind, and open up those possibilities. Dreams really are just a goal with a deadline. Life is meant to be happy and fun. If you need some help and support to identify how you can fall in love with your life, I would love to hear from you.
I have 3 spaces available this week for a - How to Fall In Love With Your Life 60 minute complimentary call.
On this call, we will explore what your big dreams are, what holds you back, and what you can do next to make a plan to love the life you live. Email me or book your appointment directly here.
If you would like to receive more blogs and posts like this please sign up by filling in your details below.
How would it feel to have woken up and said - Wow its Monday, I love my life, I am so happy to be doing what I do, being the best me that I can be, I can't wait to get started again today.......
What is IT that would make you look forward to each and every Monday morning?
Would you love to know? Do you want to explore what IT is for you?
What holds you back from making changes right now? What one thing could you do today that would make a difference to your day, your week, your month, your life?
What if your inner gremlin stopped saying "No you can't possibly.....No that's not for you, only other people do jobs they love.....Its just a pipe dream I once had from my childhood, it could never be a reality...... I am not good enough.......qualified enough.........ready"?
What if your inner gremlin became your inner coach, guide and champion and started saying things like "You can you know, if you really want to.....Yes you could if you gave it a go.......yes I could with the right help and support it really would be possible.......Yes I want to explore what I can do today to identify what it is I really want .....Lets not worry about the how so much and really focus on what we DO want instead of what we DON'T want".
Wow how would that change your state of mind, and open up those possibilities. Dreams really are just a goal with a deadline. Life is meant to be happy and fun. If you need some help and support to identify how you can fall in love with your life, I would love to hear from you.
I have 3 spaces available this week for a - How to Fall In Love With Your Life 60 minute complimentary call.
On this call, we will explore what your big dreams are, what holds you back, and what you can do next to make a plan to love the life you live. Email me or book your appointment directly here.
If you would like to receive more blogs and posts like this please sign up by filling in your details below.