I ask myself what is it I love the best about being self employed and living my dream life over here in SW France?
Just one of the many amazing things is all the extra time I have available now I don’t have to use it getting suited and booted, and commuting to London on the train, or that 60 mile trip from Basingstoke to Wimborne in the car as I did for many years in the Corporate world!
I am so grateful to have allowed myself and created the freedom to get out of bed and get straight to work at the other end of the barn I live in, still in my PJs if that’s what I chose to do. It is so liberating. Historically there would have been that nagging voice in the back of my head which said “How lazy are you - you should get yourself dressed – how can you be expected to do your best in your PJs!
Not anymore! I now recognise when that that little voice in my head is being helpful and when it’s just running a script based on old conditioning that no longer serves me. I celebrate the fact that I do my best work when I am not restricted by the time of the day, what clothes I am wearing, or even the environment in which I am choosing to work.
Take this morning for example, I really wanted to do some reading around a specific topic before I called my coaching client for her 9am session. I got so wrapped up in it all, the time flew past and I made the call via skype still in my dressing gown!
What a fabulous call it was too, my client has achieved great things since our last call, and I just love being part of such exciting transformations. Did it matter I was not wearing my stuffy and restricting corporate suit with my really uncomfortable court shoes on, already tired and worn out by a 2 hour commute to work – No just the opposite, I was feeling awake, alive, excited to be there holding the space to serve my client without any distractions. When the sun is shining I often chose to work by the pool in the garden in my swimsuit instead! It makes my heart sing to just be free to choose.
If you would like to connect with me to explore what difference working in your PJs via a skype call can make to your life I am excited to share that I have 3 x 60 minute ‘How to Live a Life you Love’ sessions available during November. Email me, or go to this page on my website.
Just one of the many amazing things is all the extra time I have available now I don’t have to use it getting suited and booted, and commuting to London on the train, or that 60 mile trip from Basingstoke to Wimborne in the car as I did for many years in the Corporate world!
I am so grateful to have allowed myself and created the freedom to get out of bed and get straight to work at the other end of the barn I live in, still in my PJs if that’s what I chose to do. It is so liberating. Historically there would have been that nagging voice in the back of my head which said “How lazy are you - you should get yourself dressed – how can you be expected to do your best in your PJs!
Not anymore! I now recognise when that that little voice in my head is being helpful and when it’s just running a script based on old conditioning that no longer serves me. I celebrate the fact that I do my best work when I am not restricted by the time of the day, what clothes I am wearing, or even the environment in which I am choosing to work.
Take this morning for example, I really wanted to do some reading around a specific topic before I called my coaching client for her 9am session. I got so wrapped up in it all, the time flew past and I made the call via skype still in my dressing gown!
What a fabulous call it was too, my client has achieved great things since our last call, and I just love being part of such exciting transformations. Did it matter I was not wearing my stuffy and restricting corporate suit with my really uncomfortable court shoes on, already tired and worn out by a 2 hour commute to work – No just the opposite, I was feeling awake, alive, excited to be there holding the space to serve my client without any distractions. When the sun is shining I often chose to work by the pool in the garden in my swimsuit instead! It makes my heart sing to just be free to choose.
If you would like to connect with me to explore what difference working in your PJs via a skype call can make to your life I am excited to share that I have 3 x 60 minute ‘How to Live a Life you Love’ sessions available during November. Email me, or go to this page on my website.